Tuesday 26 February 2013

Contribution of Love

Time spent with the children and staff at Kilikids has given me the opportunity to learn some of the realities of  how things are for many people who live in Africa.  They live such simple lives, have so little and truly seem to be grateful for all that they have.

I see them wear the same clothes day after day, whether the clothes are dirty or have holes in them.  They are lucky to have one good pair of shoes to work in or walk to school in.  Multiple people sleep in a house or shack on a thin mattress and pillow.  They cook their food over a fire a scrub their clothes by hand and hang them on the line to dry.  They typically walk to work and then work hard in the hot, blazing sun.  Lunch time is a welcome break in the shade and all the food prepared is eaten; not one bite is wasted.

There are moments when I am so deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn about their lives and contribute what I can, however there are moments when my heart breaks for them, feeling some guilt for what I have and taken for granted.  I also find myself wishing I could do more to contribute to their lives.

I saw the below posting on Facebook today which was perfect timing for how I was feeling:

In reading this quote, I am reminded of my mission of my journey to Africa:  to contribute to others, shining my light and love.  As I am true to this mission I am clear that it will have a ripple effect and further my purpose will become clear.  I will continue to shine my light and love fully.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely thing to do for yourself and others. Its true we surround ourselves with so much unimportant stuff here, thankfully you can never miss what you have never known. God bless you and all the people whos lives you touch Giselle!
